Germany’s Importance in the EU

I am Sudipta Debnath. I am now pursuing my bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. I like to sleep, play games, and watch football. I am interested in programming, math and history.

Bangladesh | June 27, 2020 | Student Essay

Germany, one of the most prosperous country in Europe, has a history of great cooperation with European Union (EU), which is an organization of 27 European countries and one of the biggest economies in the world. From the very beginning, Germany is a prominent member of the EU. After World War II, in 1951, Treaty of Paris was signed among 6 European countries- Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxemburg, and Netherlands which saw the creation of European Coal and Steel Community, whose objective was to regulate the industrial production under a centralized authority. In 1957, the same six countries signed the Treaty of Rome. This treaty created European Economic Community, which eventually emerged as European Union following the Maastricht Treaty of 1993.

Why EU?

EU is an economic and political organization, which promotes freedom and democracy among its member countries. It gives citizenship to the people of the member countries which allow them to travel, live or work in any member country. EU provides a single internal market to its members which allows free circulation of any product among EU countries without any taxes. Also, it promotes harmony among its members. For its excellent work in promoting harmony, freedom and democracy, EU was awarded Noble Prize in 2012.

Economic Contribution of Germany to EU

European Union countries contribute to the EU budget according to their population and economy. The greater the economy a country has, the greater is the contribution of that country to the EU budget. This budget is used for regional development, agriculture, and administration of European institutions, environment protection and other variety purposes. Germany with the maximum population and biggest economy in Europe contribute more than any other country to the EU budget. Recently, Germany has declared to raise its budget to EU to a staggering amount of around €44 billion which is €13 billion more than the previous budget. Also, Germany has contributed greatly for the bailouts of many EU countries like Greece, which established Germany as one of the most indispensable countries in European Union.

Future of EU Depends on Germany

Germany with a population of 83 million is the biggest economy in Europe. It contributes more to EU than any other member countries. After Brexit the sustainability of EU is now in the hand of Germany. If Germany ever leaves EU, then EU may find it difficult to survive. Even if it survives, its influence in the world economy and politics will surely diminish. Other European countries will lose free access to the biggest market in Europe. In that circumstance, euro crisis may turn worse resulting in further crack in EU. Though it’s unlikely now for Germany to leave European Union, but who knows what may happen tomorrow as populist and anti-European parties is on the rise. Just 10 years ago, who have even considered, Brexit would happen!!!

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3 thoughts on “Germany’s Importance in the EU

  1. Nigar says:

    This essay helps me to know the great contribution of Germany in EU.
    We hope Germany will remain like before!!!!


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